Well there many things to talk about so I´ll get right to it
cause time is limited as always!
One day while walking down the street me and my companion
felt we should talk to a family we passed so we went back to talk to them and I
presented so I started off everything and halfway through we noticed they were
crying so we immediately jumped into how God blesses families and the gospel
and such and they agreed to meet with us again so that´ll be good I think and
ya it was just a nice experience.
We went to one of our investigators house and you can tell
she is not going to progress cause she just doesn´t pay attention or try
listening! After everything I say she says ¿Como? and it´s like I know my
spanish isn´t that good and I know you can understand me! And I just stopped
saying things cause if she did that one more time I was going to call her out
on it and I was just super frustrated and afterwards my companion was like ya I
don´t think she´s interested at all anymore cause you were understandable and
she just wasn´t giving us the time of day. But after we went to the Family
Salizar Torres and they are the best and gave us food and the Father and the
son are so into it but the sister and the mom are just not but are still way
nice! But they didn´t attend Conference so that sucked and now their Baptism
Date gets moved back!
One house we were at there were mosquitos eating us alive
which happens everywhere but it was really bad!! So the lady put a towel over
me and got oils and rubbed our arms with it and it was just a really weird
thing haha.
But ya that was basically my week! So spanish is still
coming slow and me and Elder Muhlestein get along great and life down here is
still really hard to adjust to so there you have it!
Love Elder McQ
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